About Us
DMG; With its young, dynamic and experienced staff, it offers boutique agency services to ease the workload of its customers.
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Our Services
With real-time data tracking, we evaluate our customers' market and determine their targets. We determine the target audience to reach, determine their needs and create the appropriate media mix. Thus, by bringing simple creative, effective and efficient solutions, we prepare the most effective media plan that will provide maximum benefit to our customers and perform the most economical purchasing activity.

Analysis and Reporting
Weekly Performance Report, Campaign Final Report

Process Management
Annual and Periodic Media Planning, Purchasing Activities, Campaign Performance Measurement

Media Performance Monitoring
Market Monitoring, Industry Data and Tools

Event Marketing
Concerts, Talks, Sponsorship Activities, Shopping Mall Activities

Digital and Social Media Planning
Premium Website Planning, Mobile & Video Advertising Planning, Social Media Marketing, Google SEM & SEO, RTB, Adserver Technologies

National Local All Outdoor Indoor Cinema Publications
Billboard, Megalight, Lightbox, Racket, Giantboard, Wall, Mass Media, Airport Static and Digital Areas, Shopping Mall, Cinema
Our References
In order to offer excellent work, it is necessary to create a perfect union first.
News about Deniz Media Group, current developments and important events that you are eagerly waiting for are here!

Recruitment in our company is made in line with manpower planning at certain periods. Students who want to do an internship should specify the preferred type of work as 'Internship' when creating a resume. To apply, you can send your CV to info@denizmedyagrup.com.
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